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TRIPS Our list of trips in Sweden reads: (site under construction: only the links are currently documented) 2007 Riksgransen-Unna Allakas - Kungsleden- Nikkaluokta 2006 Ritsem- Kisuris -Sarek - Smaila - Alggavagge - Alkavare Kapel-Alajaure-Arasluokta- Kisuris (by old path) - Ritsem 2005 Nikkaluokta - Kunglseden to Sälkastugorna - Nallo - Vistas - Alesjaure- Abisko 2004 Abisko- Unna Allakas - Cunojavvrehytta (Norway) - Cainavaggehytta (Norway) Gautelishytta (Norway) - (near) Hukejaure - Kebnekaise -Nikkaluokta In preparation: 2003 Sarek (Saltoluokta-Rinim-Smaila-Kisuris) -Ritsem- Sitasjaure-Kebnekaise- Nikkaluokta 2002 Padjelanta (Kwikjok-Ritsem) |
Food As the trips are long, and supplies are inexistant or unreliable, we need to pack all our food for periods close to 2 weeks. This means one one hand that we can only include high-calorie content food (if possible 400 kcal/100g, but no less than 300), and on the other hand that the possibility of shedding some weight is not excluded (why carry the food twice?)... After experimenting with the expensive freeze-dried food from sport stores, we decided that we did not like the taste, and anyway the concentration is seldom better (or equal) to the diet below. We decided on the food below even before our first trip to Sweden -- and were surprised that it is pretty close to the standard practice there! We use mainly - oatmeal (prepared with water), brown sugar, - freeze-dried soup (the usual "Knorr" type), possibly with quick-cooking pasta, also the instant "cup" variety - "spaghetteria" (a prepared mix of freeze dried-sauce and quick cooking pasta, also available from supermarkets) - dry "Vasa"-style bread: good calorie content, easily broken in single slices, but amazingly resistant when tightly packed in "bricks" - we usually end up with a surplus ! - molten cheese, liver wurst, .. - soluble tea mix (with sugar and lemon, gives a nice drink with cold water) - coffee, chocolate or cappucino mixes - various dried trail mix : tropical fruit, nuts mix (our emergency reserve) hazelnut meal biscuits note that soups and ice tea help in keeping minerals (rather than drinking pure water in large quantities), and the latter contains some C vitamin, which is lacking in the diet. |
The Cast All years : Kathleen and Jean-Marie Frère - Broman From 2005 : + Glenn Alec Frère |
![]() Kathleen Broman (KBr) ![]() Jean-Marie Frère (JM) ![]() Glenn Alec Frère (GAF) |
and Thanks Information in English about backpacking in Sweden is not always easy to find We would not have ventured on those trips without information gathered in the web. It is impossible to list all sources used, but the following sites have particularly useful information: Travelnotes.de http://www.hep.lu.se/staff/mjornmark/hiking/ |